Uncomfortable Persistence


Have you ever crossed the “thin line”? You know the saying that there’s a thin line between love and hate? Well, there’s a thin line between a lot of things when you think about it. For example, there’s a thin line between parenting and over parenting. The major problem I have with the “thin line” is that you only know that you’ve passed the “thin line” in hindsight.

Uncomfortable Confidence


After saying that I’d retired from coaching, I’m back in the saddle like Brett Favre baby, coaching my daughter Kara’s 7th-grade girls’ basketball team. Actually, I’m the assistant coach (on paper) but honestly, I tend to get involved to the nth degree no matter my title. So “assistant” coach just means my friend Jason Weseman […]

Uncomfortable Position

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The day we’ve all be waiting for has finally arrived. Yes, tomorrow is midterm election day. Woohoo! If you watch any live television (since Tivo entered the scene circa 2000 I don’t watch much live TV) then you too have been bombarded with political commercial after commercial. What’s funny is the fact that I’ve actually […]

Finish Your Year Strong!

The fourth quarter is in full swing and we are rapidly approaching the end of the year. How are you doing on reaching your goals for 2017? Wait, before you click away on to something else, just stick with me for a few minute. Chances are you will fall into one of a just a few categories: […]