Uncomfortable Error

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“Hey Darren, I think we have a problem…” was the beginning of an email I received last week from my friend and Speaker Representative/Marketing Manager/Event Manager/et al, Stephanie (Steph). As I’m reading this email, my heart was at the bottom of my stomach thinking what this could possibly be. After writing about all the amazing […]

Uncomfortable Error Part 2 (The Response)

uncomfortable error response

“Oh no.” That was my first thought when I read the draft of Darren’s blog post last week. I mean, we all make mistakes, but did I really want it to be broadcast to the world online? Did we really need to go that route? The answer—yes. There are too many important lessons that leaders could learn from my mistake and how Darren handled it as a leader.

Handling Disappointment

Handling disappointment

“It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.” — Zig Ziglar Unhappy news and disappointments are the given right of being human.  Odds are if you are breathing you will have inevitably experienced a major disappointment in your life.  In fact, if you google disappointment you will come up with […]

Uncomfortable Recycling

uncle of the year

Getting nominated for “Uncle of the Year” (UoTY) is tough work. Many people are of the naive opinion that a person can be “born in” or “marry” into the position. Oh contraire mon frere. Like any other position of greatness, this title must be earned. So in that context, I was asked by my 12-year-old […]

An Uncomfortable Message

Uncomfortable message

I know every week you look forward to hearing Darren’s personal stories about being uncomfortable and how they relate to leadership, but I hope you won’t mind me filling in for just one week. Even Darren needs a break from his regular tasks every now and then. Last week my church had Bob Goff in […]

Uncomfortable Conversation


The truth is when someone says, ‘It’s not you, it’s me’, they really mean ‘it’s you, but for reasons both good and bad I don’t want to tell you it’s you’. I recently had a relationship that had run its course and this was definitely an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’/uncomfortable conversation.

Uncomfortable Results


One of the best parts of coaching, parenting or any type of relationship is seeing someone you love crush it. A few weeks ago, I wrote about Kara’s (our youngest) team winning their first basketball game. Since then, she went 3-for-3 in a game which is so awesome as a coach/dad. Not only does she […]