SPEAR Business

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Spearity™ Accountability App

The online Spearity™ app is a big time differentiator. All business coaching clients are trained on the SPEAR strategic improvement process to keep them focused on the important tasks while managing the not-so-important tasks. As you track your goals, successes, and failures you will begin to see the growth and changes trickle down within your organization.

Business Growth

“Darren helped my partner divide and conquer. We weren’t really sure what we should focus on or what to do. Now we’ve grown from to over 20 and growing. We truly appreciate what we’ve learned.”

Starting a Business

“I knew that photography would be my life. What I didn’t know was how to run the business. Darren helped me focus on sales and grow the business to something much greater that I anticipated.”

Are you ready to unlock the potential
of your business?