The Necessity of a Growth Mindset as a Business Owner

Growing a business takes a lot of work, but it doesn’t end there. Inevitably, as a business owner, you will come up against challenges you’re unsure of how to move past. You will also experience failure along the way. These are facts that no one wants to accept, but it’s a reality that every business […]
7 Things to Do If You’ve Lost Joy in Your Business

No one starts a business believing they will hate what they do day in and day out. You start a business believing you are going to build something that gives you control, freedom, and allows you to use your skills and passion. However, many business owners and entrepreneurs eventually find themselves in a place where […]
Moving Past Failure and Setbacks as a Leader

Failure. None of us like it, but it’s something we all experience. As a leader, it’s important to learn how to find and maintain inner peace and stability when experiencing setbacks and failure in business. We know it’s true, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Darren Fisher, SPEARity CEO, recently shared a message […]
5 Ways to Turn Business Struggles into Opportunity

Most businesses are struggling to get workers. We’re trying to figure out how to find the right talent and how to keep the workers we have in the midst of the Great Resignation. This is a real struggle that companies and leaders are facing, but it’s not the only one. Even before the labor shortage […]
How to Embrace Change as a Leader

Change. It’s a simple word. But it packs so much emotion in it. There’s just something about change, that we usually don’t like. It’s uncomfortable. It’s new. And it’s challenging. It forces us to have to mix things up, learn new things, and do things we aren’t 100% confident in. If we’re being honest, we […]
Reflect on 2020: Focusing on the Good

What a year it has been! As we enter the last few weeks of the year, it has me reflecting on 2020. There were a lot of obstacles this year that we faced as individuals and businesses. And to be honest, there still are a lot of obstacles that we’ll continue to face in 2021 […]
5 Reasons Leaders Need to Take a Break

There’s a common problem that entrepreneurs, business owners, leaders and managers run into—working too much. It seems that there is always more work to be done and tasks that need your attention. It’s easy to fall for the myth that if you just work a little harder or a little longer that things will fall […]
An Important Leadership Lesson on Gratitude

Some years it’s super easy to think of things to be thankful for when Thanksgiving comes around. 2020 probably doesn’t feel like one of those years. Yes, there are some businesses and people that are prospering this year. That’s awesome! But there are also many people and businesses who are struggling. And to be honest, […]
Self Care Tips for Business Leaders and Teams

I know “self care” has gotten a lot of attention in 2020, and with good reason. But the truth is even though most of us know that it’s important, we aren’t actually following through in doing it. Studies are finding that people are once again reaching the point of burn out and fatigue. We’re mentally […]