How to Build Company Culture While Working Virtually

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We are living through a weird time. The majority of businesses are operating differently than they have in the past. Many still have employees working from home with no end in sight, And while many people thought they wanted to work from home, now that it’s been a reality for almost a year, the real […]

5 Change Management Tips for Leaders

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Change management has gotten a lot of attention in the past year. March 2020 hit, every organization was thrown into needing to make immediate changes whether they liked it or not. Most organizations didn’t have a “What to do if a pandemic hits” section in their emergency plans. Everyone was left to make quick adjustments […]

Dangers of Making Excuses as a Leader


There are a lot of different excuses that leaders make when things go wrong or they don’t perform up to the standard that’s expected. You may feel that you’re not making an excuse but simply stating what happened. But, in the end, it truly doesn’t matter. It’s still an excuse and it does nothing to […]

The Role of HR in Leadership Development

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HR leaders are busy individuals! They are tasked with a wide variety of goals and jobs. And one of those important jobs is finding and developing great leaders. It’s not just about hiring managers to fill vacant roles, it’s about finding the right talent to hire that can develop into strong leaders in the future […]

6 Leadership Tips to Prepare for a Strong Second Quarter

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As always, the first quarter of the year has flown by. It’s time to be reviewing the things that went well and the things that didn’t get accomplished during that time. It’s also time to make sure those Q2 goals are established that will help you work toward the overall goals for the year. Here […]

5 Ways to Use Tech to Reach Your Business Goals

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It’s 2021 and if tech isn’t a part of your business, it needs to be. There are so many ways that you can incorporate tech into your business to make it run more efficiently. This not only reduces unnecessary stress in your life, but it can also help you reach your business goals easier. Here […]

How to Beat Overwhelm in the Workplace

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work moving into Q2 of 2021, we have a few tips that can help you. And I’ll avoid the long introduction to save you a few minutes. 1. Set goals and priorities It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you don’t know what you’re working toward. Establishing clear and […]

7 Tips on How to Be Coachable

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There are a few things that contribute to how successful business coaching and leadership development coaching sessions are. While most people like to think that it all boils down to how talented your coach is, that’s not what it’s all about. Now, don’t get me wrong, choosing the right coach is important, but if you’re […]

How to Improve Your Decision Making as a Leader

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Being a leader comes with a lot of power. You may find that you’re often in the decision making role of your department or company. And they’re counting on you to make the right decision. As we learned from Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The pressure that comes with that power can feel […]