Uncomfortable Preparation
Pictured: Regan (niece/dancer), Ava (niece), Caryln (daughter/dancer), Kara (daughter/dancer), Lauren (niece/dancer) This past weekend was Milwaukee’s Irishfest, held on the Summerfest grounds on our beautiful lakeshore. Milwaukee Irishfest is the largest Irish festival in the world which is pretty awesome. Interestingly before I met my wife Michele, I’d never been to Irishfest, and now I haven’t missed for seven years […]
Uncomfortable Waiting/Aging
By the time you’re reading this (assuming you’re a watch live tv and read this blog immediately when it hits your mailbox kind of person), we are currently on our way to get Charlie Murphy from the breeder. I know someone reading this is thinking we should have gotten a rescue instead of encouraging breeding given the […]
Uncomfortable Transitions
So, about that first night with objectively (check my facebook posts and specifically the one by my friend Kristen Chang) the cutest puppy on the planet… Oh, now I understand why people’s faces drastically contorted when I told them we were getting a puppy. Is he adorable? Yes. Have we had super fun playing with him already? […]
Uncomfortable Inexperience
I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t like not knowing things. As a naturally curious person, I tend to learn about whatever is in front of me, even when it shows signs of me aging. For example, last week my brother-in-law, Tom, and I talked about body stiffness, stretching, birds, rainfall totals, death, […]