Do It Right the First Time

Do It Right

We’ve all had it happen to us. We get an email sent to a distribution list or group that informs us of a document that’s included in the email. It gives details about the attachment. Then comes the first email copying everyone informing the sender that he forgot to include the attachment. Not realizing that […]

Growth Mindset: Importance of Encouragement and Motivation

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What I found as the cornerstone of any high performing individual or teams is:  putting self- improvement and personal growth into practice, surrounding yourself with those that encourage and motivate you to always be better (other high performers),  knowing where to target and focus your attention and working to accomplish everything on your list.

Uncomfortable Commitments

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I don’t know about you, but there are so many people that break commitments regularly. Each week, I’d bet that at least two of my meetings get canceled for various reasons. As a human being, I can totally understand sickness or something of that sort impacting a meeting. But, if we could be honest with ourselves, many of the reasons meetings are moved has nothing to do with an unforeseen illness (unless waivering is a medical condition). Many times, sticking to our commitment makes us uncomfortable because something new seems more attractive or desirable.

Creating and Maintaining Consistencies Part 1 – Why?


As I was looking for inspiration for this blog I came across a quote about consistency.  Now, I like me a good Oscar Wilde quote as much as the next person, but this one just rubbed me the wrong way—“Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” While I understand why a creative mind might see consistency in that light, my business mind sees consistency as the difference between success and failure.

Uncomfortable Conversation


The truth is when someone says, ‘It’s not you, it’s me’, they really mean ‘it’s you, but for reasons both good and bad I don’t want to tell you it’s you’. I recently had a relationship that had run its course and this was definitely an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’/uncomfortable conversation.

Why Goal Setting is Crucial for Leadership

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Harvard Business conducted a study about goal setting that turned up some astounding results – 83 percent of people do not have goals. This may not surprise you if you talk to your family, friends, and coworkers; it seems people gave up on goal setting years ago. But, what should surprise you is the difference […]

Finish Your Year Strong!

The fourth quarter is in full swing and we are rapidly approaching the end of the year. How are you doing on reaching your goals for 2017? Wait, before you click away on to something else, just stick with me for a few minute. Chances are you will fall into one of a just a few categories: […]

How to Choose a Business Consultant to Solve Complex Problems

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Businesses face a multitude of complex problems on a daily basis. Which problems the business struggles with varies from one business to the next, but the results are the same. The company fails to make the progress they want towards their goals because they are stuck. A solution that many business owners and c-level executives jump […]