Uncomfortable Changes

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Resolution check-in. Are you still doing the thing you said you would do just two short weeks ago? If you are, then great. If not, then I have a sneaky suspicion that change was much harder than you thought. Once given the option to keep going through the pain or give in to your old less perfect self, the establishment won.

Uncomfortable Commitments

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I don’t know about you, but there are so many people that break commitments regularly. Each week, I’d bet that at least two of my meetings get canceled for various reasons. As a human being, I can totally understand sickness or something of that sort impacting a meeting. But, if we could be honest with ourselves, many of the reasons meetings are moved has nothing to do with an unforeseen illness (unless waivering is a medical condition). Many times, sticking to our commitment makes us uncomfortable because something new seems more attractive or desirable.

Uncomfortable Confidence


After saying that I’d retired from coaching, I’m back in the saddle like Brett Favre baby, coaching my daughter Kara’s 7th-grade girls’ basketball team. Actually, I’m the assistant coach (on paper) but honestly, I tend to get involved to the nth degree no matter my title. So “assistant” coach just means my friend Jason Weseman […]

How to Choose a Business Consultant to Solve Complex Problems

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Businesses face a multitude of complex problems on a daily basis. Which problems the business struggles with varies from one business to the next, but the results are the same. The company fails to make the progress they want towards their goals because they are stuck. A solution that many business owners and c-level executives jump […]

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

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I heard a statistic today that 70% of people in America suffer from Imposter Syndrome. If you haven’t heard of this before let me explain it. Imposter Syndrome is that feeling you get when you are doing a job putting on a front that you know exactly what you are doing but inside you feel […]