Reflect on 2020: Focusing on the Good


What a year it has been! As we enter the last few weeks of the year, it has me reflecting on 2020. There were a lot of obstacles this year that we faced as individuals and businesses. And to be honest, there still are a lot of obstacles that we’ll continue to face in 2021 […]

The One Piece of Advice You Wouldn’t Expect to Hear From a Business Coach

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There are a lot of stereotypes that exist in our world. The same is true when it comes to business coaching, business consulting and leadership development training. We expect coaches to act a certain way and say certain things. We all have these preconceived notions about what a business coach is going to do and […]

A Lesson in Confidence & Leadership from a Pot of Chili


I just love having chili and cornbread on a crisp fall day. There’s just something that I find comforting about it. It reminds me of growing up when I could smell the chili cooking in the kitchen on a Sunday afternoon while sitting with my dad and watching the Detroit Lions lose another game. It’s […]

A Letter to Overwhelmed Business Leaders

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Dear Overwhelmed Business Leader, We see you. We notice the work and effort that you’re putting into your business. And we hear the doubt in your voice as you silently wonder if you’re getting it right—if you’re doing a “good enough” job for your clients, employees, and family. We know that it might feel like […]

How to Be a More Confident Leader

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Do you struggle with confidence as a leader? Do your tasks feel overwhelming? Are people looking to you for answers, but you aren’t sure you have them? Does imposter syndrome steal your confidence on a regular basis? You aren’t alone. Not only is it normal for leaders to struggle with confidence from time to time, […]

Leadership Development Tip: Have an Adventure & Try New Things

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I’m guessing that if you’re being honest, most of you wouldn’t use the words “adventure” or “fun” to describe the way 2020 has been going. Instead, the words that come to mind are probably things like: unprecedented, stressful, challenging, and overwhelming. And rightly so. Those words are pretty accurate descriptions of the year. But as […]

The Importance of Continued Learning for Business Success


Remember back to the days when you were in school and you thought, “I can’t wait until I can be done learning all this new stuff and just be able to do my job.” It seemed right at the time. But it’s not. It’s not long before we learn that if we want to be […]

Leadership Moods and Weather

Leadership Moods

Milwaukee is now one of the wettest of springs in the past over 100 years. What’s interesting is it seems that my mood is being impacted by the weather. Or at least I can blame it on that. It’s interesting from a leadership perspective that a leader’s mood can easily impact the moods of everyone […]

Trust Your Gut. Is it Time For a Change?

Trust Your Gut

While trying to decide what I wanted to write about, I realized that tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of my leaving a corporate job and going out on my own. What a perfect time for me to talk about trusting your gut and making bold changes. Gut feelings are the result of a lot […]