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The Strategist

Uncomfortable Naming Rights
For those of us living in Milwaukee, the downtown area has been booming. Many new
Uncomfortable Addition
I’ve never owned a dog before because situations and circumstances prevented me from owning one.

Uncomfortable Aaron Rodgers
Note: This story originally referenced Shark Week 2023 on the Discovery Channel. For those that

3 Ways the SPEARity App has Improved My Productivity
Can you remember back to when apps first starting showing up? I can and I

Customer Experience Starts with Leadership
You have probably heard the term “customer experience”. In fact, it’s been floating around a

Break Down and Achieve Goals With the SPEARity™ App
The English author, George Eliot once wrote, “Great things are not done by impulse but

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome
I heard a statistic today that 70% of people in America suffer from Imposter Syndrome.

Why We Love Monday and How You Can Too
It’s Monday! Do those words put fear in you? Does a sense of dread start

The Three Keys to Effective Leadership
Have you ever wondered what’s so special about the number three? As children, we heard