Our blog

The Strategist

Trust Your Gut

Trust Your Gut. Is it Time For a Change?

While trying to decide what I wanted to write about, I realized that tomorrow will
Uncomfortable message

An Uncomfortable Message

I know every week you look forward to hearing Darren’s personal stories about being uncomfortable

Uncomfortable Completion

SPEARity Business Coach and Executive coach complete's coaching team.

Uncomfortable Delegation

SPEARity Business Coach and Executive coach gives away awards and delegates leadership.
SPEARity We Energies

Uncomfortable Recognition

SPEARity Business Coach and Executive coach wins award for Business of the Year.
business coaching

Why You Need Business Coaching

SPEARity Business Coach and Executive coach helps grow businesses, relieves stress and allows more time
uncle of the year

Uncomfortable Recycling

Getting nominated for “Uncle of the Year” (UoTY) is tough work. Many people are of
Handling disappointment

Handling Disappointment

“It’s not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that counts.” — Zig
uncomfortable error response

Uncomfortable Error Part 2 (The Response)

"Oh no." That was my first thought when I read the draft of Darren's blog
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