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The Strategist

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How to Build Company Culture While Working Virtually

We are living through a weird time. The majority of businesses are operating differently than

6 Tips for Setting Your Team Up for Success

Every leader wants to have a successful team. And when you feel like your team
goal setting part 2

2021 Goal Setting: How to Keep it Going

Well that certainly was an eventful January of what so many people hoped was going
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To Reach New Levels of Success, You Have to Do New Things

If we’re all honest, we’d have to admit that it’s easy to grow complacent as
Employee Retention

6 Tips for Employee Retention

Are you struggling with a revolving door in your organization? As soon as you get
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Start Building Confidence Today with One Simple Habit

Growing your confidence is actually incredibly simple. However, most people don’t believe it. So, they
Be Intentional

Being Intentional with Your Goal for 2021

I think this is an interesting time of year. We all love to connect the

Reflect on 2020: Focusing on the Good

What a year it has been! As we enter the last few weeks of the
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How to Get Employee Buy-In For Your 2021 Goals

It’s that time of year again when our minds are starting to turn to the
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