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The Strategist

4th quarter finish strong

How to Finish the 4th Quarter Strong in 2021

The 4th quarter is here whether you’re ready or not! And it’s easy at this
confident employees

Confident People Make Better Employees: 5 Ways to Boost Employee Confidence

Most managers and leaders have personally experienced the difference between a good employee and a
task management system for leaders

5 Reasons Your Task Management Software Isn’t Working

We live in a day and age where there seems to be an unlimited number
Untitled design 6

Are You Focusing on the Right Things in Your Business?

There is a common theme that seems to be happening with business owners, leaders, and
quarterly goals

Goal Setting Tips to Finish the Quarter Strong

We’re about to roll into the last month of the 3rd quarter of 2021. If

How to Embrace Change as a Leader

Change. It’s a simple word. But it packs so much emotion in it. There’s just
how to be a grateful leader

How Gratitude Makes You a Better Leader

There’s really no denying that gratitude is an important quality for an effective leader. But

How Do We Grow Confidence as a Leader Without Becoming Arrogant?

Last night the Milwaukee Bucks won the NBA championship and Giannis Antetokounmpo was awarded the
leadership challenges

10 Common Leadership Challenges to Avoid

We all know that person in our life who is a natural-born leader. It doesn’t
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