5 Signs Small Business Owners Need a Coach or Mentor


Has running your business become a struggle? Is your business growing fast, and things are going well? A business coach can help you regardless of where you fall on the spectrum. If you’ve been wondering if working with a business coach would help you on your journey, look for the following five signs. 1. You […]

The 4 Statuses for Task Management

Task management

When it comes to task management people have a tendency to think that there are only two categories tasks can fall into—waiting to be done or accomplished, right? We either have the task on our list to do or we’ve crossed it off because it’s already done. While that seems to make sense, it’s not […]

How to Prioritize Your Work When Everything Needs Your Attention

work priorities

As a busy business owner or manager, it can feel like everything is demanding your attention. Your customers need your attention. Your employees and contractors need your attention. And, all the other tasks on your plate seem to be demanding your attention. If this is what work feels like to you then you likely feel […]

5 Tips for Building Relationships as a Leader

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Christmas is just under a week away and SPEARity CEO, Darren Fisher, just shared on his leadership vlog the importance of reaching out and spending time with other people during the holidays. But if you struggle with relationships building skills this isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Talking with family and friends might not be a […]

How to Address Workplace Burnout Going into 2022

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There is no denying this is a busy time of year. I was speaking with a therapist last week who shared a trend she’s hearing from her clients. This holiday season is turning out a lot more stressful than last year or the years before. There is a weird mix happening of people trying to […]

How to Review for 2021 and Plan for 2022

year end review

It happened again. Another year flew by! It’s time to start reviewing the progress we made in 2021 and get a plan in place for 2022. For many people, that’s easier said than done. But, never fear! We’re going to help you analyze what happened over the past year and get on the right path […]

5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a Leader

confidence for leaders

A common stereotype about business leaders is they are full of confidence, but you know the truth. You struggle with feeling like an imposter. You’re not always sure of what decision is the right decision. You know how to put on a confident face and say all the right things but that’s not really how […]

How to Show Gratitude as a Leader


November is in full swing and with it comes the annual conversations around “gratitude”. With Thanksgiving at the end of the month, we’re used to using this month as a time to focus on what we have to be thankful for. However, as a strong leader, it’s important that you learn how to show gratitude […]

How to Break Down Goals into Actionable Tasks

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We’ve all heard about the importance of setting goals in business. Goals are what tell you what direction you’re trying to go. Setting goals helps you continue to move the needle forward in the right direction. But it’s not as simple as just setting a goal. You need to follow up with breaking goals down […]