6 Ways to Boost Productivity in Business


Isn’t it amazing how much some people can accomplish each day? We all have the same 24-hours, yet some struggle to cross anything off their to-do list while others cross things off left and right. If you’re struggling with productivity, these 6 tips can help. 1. Block time for your 2-minute tasks There is a […]

Are You Setting Goals For The Right Reason?

goal setting

You already know goal setting is an important part of leadership. As the leader, you set the goals your team works toward and are ultimately responsible for moving the needle forward. But many obstacles arise in the goal-setting process, and one of those obstacles is losing focus of why you’re doing what you’re doing. SPEARity […]

Moving Past Failure and Setbacks as a Leader

overcoming setbacks

Failure. None of us like it, but it’s something we all experience. As a leader, it’s important to learn how to find and maintain inner peace and stability when experiencing setbacks and failure in business. We know it’s true, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Darren Fisher, SPEARity CEO, recently shared a message […]

5 Ways to Turn Business Struggles into Opportunity

struggle to opportunity

Most businesses are struggling to get workers. We’re trying to figure out how to find the right talent and how to keep the workers we have in the midst of the Great Resignation. This is a real struggle that companies and leaders are facing, but it’s not the only one. Even before the labor shortage […]

Why You Need to Stop Multitasking at Work to Get Things Done


Multitasking. If you’re an older millennial or from an older generation, you probably have a love-hate relationship with this word like I do. When I applied for my first job, “the ability to multitask” was listed on every job listing. It was the skill every employer wanted you to have. You couldn’t be good at […]

Tips to Help Plan a Successful 2nd Quarter

planning 2nd quarter

Just like that, the end of the first quarter is upon us. For some, it was a strong start to the year after a few unpredictable ones. For others, it was another quarter of feeling like the plans went out the window from the start. But, the good news is wherever you fall on the […]

Why Time Tracking is the First Step in Time Management

time tracking resource

Are you working long hours but feeling like you’re making little progress? Does the end of the day hit, and you can’t really account for what you’ve accomplished all day? If you know time management is a problem, this is for you. According to research, “Less than 1 in 5 (18%) [of people] have a […]

The Three Types of Plans All Tasks Fit Into


“I have so much to do! How do I get it all done?” This is a common stress we hear from business owners and leaders. The first step to addressing this overwhelm is learning to identify what type of tasks you’re struggling to accomplish. When we do that, we’re able to identify the best plan […]

Is a Lack of Planning Stopping You From Growing as a Business?

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There’s a common problem that we notice—many leaders don’t value planning. They think they are gifted enough to be able to just figure it out in the moment when needed. It’s worked for them so far, but the problem is if you want to grow past where you currently are, you’re going to have to […]