Tips for Finding New Talent as Your Business Grows

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Do you remember having growing pains when you were a child? I can remember waking up in the middle of the night because my legs were hurting. My dad would come into my room and assure me I would be okay and that it was only growing pains. Well, your business experiences the same type […]

7 Things to Do If You’ve Lost Joy in Your Business

lost joy in business

No one starts a business believing they will hate what they do day in and day out. You start a business believing you are going to build something that gives you control, freedom, and allows you to use your skills and passion. However, many business owners and entrepreneurs eventually find themselves in a place where […]

7 Ways to Improve Work-Life Balance

work life balance

Does work-life balance sound like something from a fairytale? Your reality looks more like hustling all day at work and then falling into bed feeling guilty about the things you didn’t accomplish in your personal life. Maybe you’re worried about the lack of time you’re giving to your most important relationships like your spouse or […]

Why You Need to Delegate More and Do Less


There is a common obstacle where we see business owners and leaders struggle—delegating. When you have been the reason, or one of the big reasons, why the company has succeeded and grown, it’s hard to pass tasks on to someone else. It’s easy to get caught up in thinking that if things are going to […]

6 Signs It’s Time to Hire Your First Employee

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Are you an entrepreneur with a growing business? Your schedule is full and you are starting to think about the possibility of hiring your first employee. This is a big decision that can be hard to make. You may be stuck in the growing pains of needing more business in order to hire but needing […]

Are You Tired of Working Long Hours?

working long hours

We live in a society that glamorizes the hustle. We feel like we’re accomplishing something when we’re busy. We’ve allowed technology to make it nearly impossible to punch out for the day, and the problem has only grown since the pandemic. Those working remotely struggle to walk away from their work at the end of […]

5 Ways to Help an Underperforming Employee

underperforming employee

In the perfect world, every employee would be the right hire and work hard to accomplish the company’s goals. However, this isn’t a perfect world, and all companies consist of imperfect human beings. Our work performance is impacted by our moods, physical health, passion, motivation, and skill or lack thereof. If you’re managing a team […]

The Importance of Understand Your Baseline in Business


Do you ever feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what will stick in business? You want the company to grow. You want to hit your goals. And you know you need to make changes in order to get results, but you find yourself jumping from one thing to the next without […]

How Proper Planning Helps Workplace Mental Health & Wellness

workplace planning

We probably don’t need to tell you that May is Mental Health Awareness month because it’s all over the news and on social media. Instead, we want to focus on helping you discover a few simple planning strategies that can help you reduce stress and anxiety at work so you can feel your best. In […]