Is Your Business Leaving You Feeling Overwhelmed, Confused, and Lonely?

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Start a business, they said. It will be fun, they said. You will make tons of money working for yourself. Are those the thoughts you had when you first started out on your entrepreneurial journey? But now you are smack dab in the middle of running a business and are struggling more than you could […]

The Importance of Bringing New Perspectives into Your Business

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There is a common problem that business owners and leaders run into—limited vision. We all have our perspectives, which influence how we think about things around us and how we make our decisions. In general, people tend to surround themselves with others who think like them. It’s comfortable. But the problem is that growth occurs […]

How to Improve Communication With Your Employees

communication with employees

You are working long hours. Employees are not performing up to expectations. Frustration is growing on all fronts. If you’re a leader or manager experiencing this, you may be able to address it all by fixing one thing. All these “symptoms” can be red flags that you need to work on improving your communication with […]

Are You Procrastinating at Work?

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Are you one of those people who feel you do your best work under pressure? You push off projects until the last minute while telling yourself that you’ll be able to accomplish them to the best of your ability. Well, research disagrees with you. Procrastinating at work is less likely to lead to high-quality work. […]

Tired of Working Long Hours? These 7 Tips Can Help

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Are you quickly growing tired of burning the candle at both ends? Or maybe you’ve already reached the point of burnout and know that something needs to change in your schedule. Whatever you are, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs, small business owners, and leaders are caught in a cycle of working too many hours each […]

How to Overcome Fear in Business

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Our SPEARity business coaches and consultants have discovered something over the years—fear is a part of many of the challenges people face in business. 1. Accept that you feel afraid Fear is something we all experience. However, successful business leaders have learned how to feel fear and not let it stop them from doing the […]

Going Back to the Basics in Business

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Are you struggling to get everything done that you want to accomplish? Are you working with limited resources right now? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your to-dos, it may be time to go back to basics in your business. Whether we are short on staff, funding, time, or another resource, sometimes it’s impossible to accomplish […]

The Importance of Aligning Your Work with Your Goals

aligning work to goals

Dan Kennedy wrote in his book No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, “Similarly, I insist that the only real reason more people aren’t much, much more productive is that they don’t have enough reasons to. So, a secret to greater personal productivity is more good reasons to be more productive. That’s why you have to […]

Top 5 SPEARity Blog Posts for Leaders

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There is a lot of information floating around the internet to help business leaders be more effective and successful, which is helpful since leaders face many different challenges. We thought we would make it easy for you and compile some of our information together into one easy-to-read place. These are our top 5 most read […]