10 Leadership Lessons to Bring You into 2023


Once again, we’re about to flip the calendar to another new year. And once again, focusing too much on the overall media messages can overwhelm you with uncertainty about the future. But you don’t have to focus on those messages. SPEARity founder and CEO Darren Fisher shares weekly vlogs for leaders and business owners working […]

Tips for Enjoying the Holidays as a Business Leader

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The holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, and we sure hope they are for you. But we also understand that as a business leader, it’s not always easy to check out while you celebrate. Small business owners and leaders are often plagued with the inability to disconnect from work, […]

Are You Allowing Fear to Control Your Decisions as a Leader?


Every individual and leader deals with fear. It’s not just you; we all have them. But the question is, are you allowing your fears to dictate your actions while constantly being unhappy with the results? Living in and making decisions in fear will keep you stuck. Growth and development await you when you step outside […]

How to Stretch Your Business Growth In 2023

business growth in 2023

Have you spent the last few years wanting to see business growth but feeling like you’re staying stagnant? If you continue doing what you’ve always done, 2023 will look exactly like 2022. But if you’re ready to see a change in yourself and your business, it’s time to set a plan to improve the new […]

The Necessity of a Growth Mindset as a Business Owner

growth mindset

Growing a business takes a lot of work, but it doesn’t end there. Inevitably, as a business owner, you will come up against challenges you’re unsure of how to move past. You will also experience failure along the way. These are facts that no one wants to accept, but it’s a reality that every business […]

How to Get Authentic Feedback as a Leader


In a perfect world, we would do everything right and always know exactly what we should focus on. But this isn’t a perfect world, and we all have blind spots. This means we need to be intentional about seeking feedback as a leader. It’s nice to hear positive things about yourself, but if all you […]

What Happens After You Set Goals?

after goal setting

We all know setting goals is important in life and business. While you may struggle to know exactly how to set the right goals, there’s no denying the need to set some if you want to grow and scale your business. A quick internet search of “how to set business goals” results in 1.1 billion results. So, […]

5 Signs You Need to Improve Your Talent Management

talent management

Renee West from Luxor and Excalibur Hotel once said, “You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life.” We probably don’t need to tell you that your employees are […]

10 Tips to Help You Finish 2022 Strong in Your Business

finish year strong

Another year has flown by, and we are now well into the 4th quarter. This is the time of year when many business owners and leaders start looking back at the goals they set for the year and try desperately to make progress on them before the year ends. If you’re feeling the pressure of […]