How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

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I heard a statistic today that 70% of people in America suffer from Imposter Syndrome. If you haven’t heard of this before let me explain it. Imposter Syndrome is that feeling you get when you are doing a job putting on a front that you know exactly what you are doing but inside you feel […]

Why We Love Monday and How You Can Too


It’s Monday! Do those words put fear in you? Does a sense of dread start to creep in on Saturday night because you know that you only have one day left to enjoy the weekend? If you feel like this, you are not alone.  Hop on social media on Sunday and Monday and you will […]

The Three Keys to Effective Leadership

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Have you ever wondered what’s so special about the number three? As children, we heard stories about The Three Little Pigs, The Three Blind Mice, and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. But, it didn’t stop with our childhood stories. The Rule of Three carries through in many areas of life, including business and leadership. In […]

5 Reasons Why Inspiration is the Key to Good Leadership

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.98″ background_layout=”light”] describes the word “inspire” the following ways: “to produce or arouse a feeling or thought, to fill or affect with a specified feeling, to influence”. The definition itself is enough to spark motivation within you. But, many in business are struggling with leadership because they are failing to inspire […]

The Importance of Buy-in During the Goal Setting Process

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There is no getting around the importance of SMART goal setting to reach your business goals. But, once you have set your SMART goals, you need to have buy-in on all levels in order to reach the goals. You can spend hours in meetings developing strategic plans and goal setting, but if your resources, including your […]

How to Choose a Business Consultant to Solve Complex Problems

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Businesses face a multitude of complex problems on a daily basis. Which problems the business struggles with varies from one business to the next, but the results are the same. The company fails to make the progress they want towards their goals because they are stuck. A solution that many business owners and c-level executives jump […]

Why a Strategic Culture Beats Strategic Planning

I’m sure you have heard stressed the importance of strategic planning for your business. It’s an idea that has been around for years. In fact, in 1980 Harvard professor and businessman, Michael Porter, wrote that competitive strategy needs to include 4 key elements: company strengths and weaknesses, personal value of the implementers, industry opportunities, threats, and […]

Finish Your Year Strong!

The fourth quarter is in full swing and we are rapidly approaching the end of the year. How are you doing on reaching your goals for 2017? Wait, before you click away on to something else, just stick with me for a few minute. Chances are you will fall into one of a just a few categories: […]

Why Goal Setting is Crucial for Leadership

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Harvard Business conducted a study about goal setting that turned up some astounding results – 83 percent of people do not have goals. This may not surprise you if you talk to your family, friends, and coworkers; it seems people gave up on goal setting years ago. But, what should surprise you is the difference […]