Uncomfortable Transitions


So, about that first night with objectively (check my facebook posts and specifically the one by my friend Kristen Chang) the cutest puppy on the planet… Oh, now I understand why people’s faces drastically contorted when I told them we were getting a puppy. Is he adorable? Yes. Have we had super fun playing with him already? […]

Uncomfortable Waiting/Aging

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By the time you’re reading this (assuming you’re a watch live tv and read this blog immediately when it hits your mailbox kind of person), we are currently on our way to get Charlie Murphy from the breeder. I know someone reading this is thinking we should have gotten a rescue instead of encouraging breeding given the […]

Uncomfortable Preparation


Pictured: Regan (niece/dancer), Ava (niece), Caryln (daughter/dancer), Kara (daughter/dancer), Lauren (niece/dancer) This past weekend was Milwaukee’s Irishfest, held on the Summerfest grounds on our beautiful lakeshore. Milwaukee Irishfest is the largest Irish festival in the world which is pretty awesome. Interestingly before I met my wife Michele, I’d never been to Irishfest, and now I haven’t missed for seven years […]

Uncomfortable Naming Rights


For those of us living in Milwaukee, the downtown area has been booming. Many new restaurants, music festivals, start-up businesses and the new Fiserv Forum have popped up. What’s the Fiserv Forum you may ask? It’s the new home of NBA superstar Giannis and the Milwaukee Bucks. Initial reaction to the name was needlessly overreactive (that […]

Uncomfortable Addition

I’ve never owned a dog before because situations and circumstances prevented me from owning one. In addition to the fact that we never had one when I was a kid, I didn’t have a reference point to truly know what I was missing. As you may have guessed, we will be the proud owner of […]

Uncomfortable Aaron Rodgers


For those that are totally unaware of what’s happening on this planet, Shark Week just ended a few weeks ago on the Discovery Channel. And none other than Aaron Rodgers, the Packers’ franchise QB, went face-to-face with the most terrifying animal in the open waters, SHARKS (see Aaron in action)! Rodgers admitted that he was petrified […]

3 Ways the SPEARity App has Improved My Productivity

SPEARity app productivity

Can you remember back to when apps first starting showing up? I can and I was pretty resistant to using any. They seemed unnecessary to me. But, I was wrong. I can’t remember what the first app was that I used, but now it seems like I have an app for pretty much everything. I […]

Customer Experience Starts with Leadership

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You have probably heard the term “customer experience”. In fact, it’s been floating around a lot of places lately. They are talking about it on the news, on LinkedIn, in books, and just about everywhere else. But, many CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business leaders are still wondering what it is exactly. They wonder how it’s any […]

Break Down and Achieve Goals With the SPEARity™ App

achieve goals with the spearity app

The English author, George Eliot once wrote, “Great things are not done by impulse but by a series of small things brought together.” This is what goal setting is all about and one of the most common things that people get wrong when trying to set goals. People often think of goals as these big […]