Uncomfortable Confidence


After saying that I’d retired from coaching, I’m back in the saddle like Brett Favre baby, coaching my daughter Kara’s 7th-grade girls’ basketball team. Actually, I’m the assistant coach (on paper) but honestly, I tend to get involved to the nth degree no matter my title. So “assistant” coach just means my friend Jason Weseman […]

Uncomfortable Position

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The day we’ve all be waiting for has finally arrived. Yes, tomorrow is midterm election day. Woohoo! If you watch any live television (since Tivo entered the scene circa 2000 I don’t watch much live TV) then you too have been bombarded with political commercial after commercial. What’s funny is the fact that I’ve actually […]

Uncomfortable Ending

Fiserv Forum Opening

This past weekend was such an incredible ride in the city of Milwaukee. First of all, we officially opened Fiserv Forum (if you haven’t gotten over the new name by now, please seek help, seriously) with a win by the Milwaukee Bucks. Given that my mom turns 77 this year, it may end up being […]

Uncomfortable Surprise

uncomfortable surprise

  I don’t know if you’re a fan of surprises, but for the most part, I’m not. Well, I guess I did like my surprise birthday party when I was 38 (who expects a surprise party on that number?). And, this past Father’s Day I got a killer Munster county Ireland jersey, totally unexpected after […]

Uncomfortable Invasion


Like most “normal” people, I don’t like going to the dentist. I’m not sure if it’s the past painful visits, the thought of a painful visit, or the pain of the bill that’s coming when I’m done. Truth be told, I don’t like going to the doctor either. And for that matter, I don’t like […]

Uncomfortable Planning


The back of my neck is throbbing right now, I can feel my temples tightening, and my shoulders are all knotted up. What’s going on with me right now? I’m doing planning and budgeting for 2019. My clients, whose fiscal and calendar years match, have budgets and plans that are due on November 15th, so […]

Uncomfortable Singleness


One of my dreams as a consultant was to be a keynote speaker. My sister Dawn and I have dreamed of me getting paid to work in Dubai. Although this is but a dream, my brother Bryan just recently took his family and our mom to China as part of a speaking engagement (challenge accepted […]

Uncomfortable Investment

Visit Milwaukee

This past weekend, I took Charlie (if you don’t know who Charlie is you can find out here) to the beach for his first sand experience. IT WAS SIMPLY AMAZING. I enjoyed watching him get more comfortable as the waves got close to him and he stopped running away as he did in the beginning. My […]

Uncomfortable Inexperience

darren and charlie

I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t like not knowing things. As a naturally curious person, I tend to learn about whatever is in front of me, even when it shows signs of me aging. For example, last week my brother-in-law, Tom, and I talked about body stiffness, stretching, birds, rainfall totals, death, […]