Self-Improvement and Personal Growth

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I will freely admit I am a self-help book junkie.   It’s not unheard of me to read 3-4 self-help books in a month.  In fact, my idea of a day of bliss is to spend a day alone curled up in my pajamas reading Tony Robbins or Brendon Burchard while heavy snow is falling outside […]

Uncomfortable Changes

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Resolution check-in. Are you still doing the thing you said you would do just two short weeks ago? If you are, then great. If not, then I have a sneaky suspicion that change was much harder than you thought. Once given the option to keep going through the pain or give in to your old less perfect self, the establishment won.

Creating and Maintaining Consistencies Part III – How?

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Let’s look at how we can change our mindset and how we can make sure we are delivering the consistent brand and service to our clients. I asked friends and colleagues the methods they use to stay on task, be organized and create good habits. Let’s take a look at some of the suggestions I got from my research.

Uncomfortable Firmness

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It’s resolution time everybody. “Why?” you may wonder. It’s because it’s new. As people, we love new. I know there’s the whole “vintage” movement, but even in that movement they restore things to be “like new”. When we think new, we think fresh. So with a new year comes a fresh opportunity to make a new resolution to do something different. There’s really only one minor problem with New Year’s resolutions…they get old really fast.

The Role Connection Plays in Success & Leadership


Recently I started watching season 2 of The Undercover Billionaire. I really enjoyed the first season and while this season is a little different, I still feel there are so many lessons to be learned. But there’s one key message that continues to show up over and over again as I watch. And to be […]

Creating and Maintaining Consistencies Part II – What?

Creating and Maintaining Consistencies Part II

How many of us choose to let fear drive us to employ procrastination as our consistent behavior? So not only do I need to work on creating habits that support and encourage consistency, I have to work on changing my mindset to that of someone who embraces the discomfort of a little fear and takes the leap.

New Year’s Resolutions – Should You Set Them?


Here’s a hot topic for you this time of year—New Year’s Resolutions. Just like leadership development, it’s a topic that applies to both your business and personal life. And, if you’ve done even two minutes of research on how to set New Year’s resolutions you have realized there are a TON of different ideas out there on […]

Uncomfortable Conversation


The truth is when someone says, ‘It’s not you, it’s me’, they really mean ‘it’s you, but for reasons both good and bad I don’t want to tell you it’s you’. I recently had a relationship that had run its course and this was definitely an ‘it’s not you, it’s me’/uncomfortable conversation.