10 Steps to Manage Cash Flow in Your Small Business

manage cash flow

Do you struggle to manage cash flow for your business? You’re not alone. Back in 2019, the research found that 61% of small businesses struggled with cash flow, and 32% couldn’t pay themselves, their employees, or their vendors. In addition, the last several years have created additional financial challenges for many small businesses. If you’re […]

Business Coaching Benefits for the Small Business Owner

business coach

Are you overwhelmed by juggling the many responsibilities of being a small business owner? It’s easy to get caught working in the nitty-gritty side of working “in” your business that you don’t have time to work “on” growing it. That’s where a business coach can help. You may need help learning to focus on and […]

Tips for Finding the Right Talent to Hire

talent acquisition

Needing to hire employees can feel like a blessing and a curse when you don’t know where to start. You’re excited that your company is growing and that you can clear some of your tasks off your plate as you delegate to others. But there is a fear that flows through you as you think […]

Exhausted from Working Long Hours in Your Business?

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You really meant for 2023 to be different. This was going to be the year you would have a good plan, work the plan, and start to regain some of your life back. You weren’t going to continue working long hours. You would start to find a little more balance in your life. But here […]

8 Ways to Help Employees Find Value in Work


Helping employees find value in their work is an important aspect of leadership. It increases employee engagement, motivation, and retention rates. Everyone wants to feel like the work they’re doing matters. Therefore, it’s your responsibility as a leader to help them see the importance of their roles and how it contributes to the bigger picture […]

How to Help Your Team Develop a Growth Mindset

team growth mindset

So you’ve been working on developing a growth mindset, but now you see that fixed mindsets are a struggle for many on your team. What should you do? While having a growth mindset as a business owner or leader is essential, it’s just as important to help those on your team develop a growth mindset. […]

Are You Overwhelmed Balancing Responsibilities as a Leader

overwhelm balancing

Balancing responsibilities can be challenging for business owners and leaders, especially when they feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to do. Here are some steps a business owner or leader can take when they’re feeling overwhelmed: In conclusion, being overwhelmed by balancing responsibilities is a common challenge for business owners and leaders. […]

3 Simple Ways to Boost Employee Production in Your Small Business

boost production

Small business owners often face the challenge of getting production through others. Whether it’s employees, contractors, or vendors, getting others to produce the results you need can be a difficult task. Reason #1 Lack of Clear Communication One of the main reasons for this is a lack of clear communication. When expectations are not clearly […]

How Data Helps You Grow Your Micro Business

data driven business

We live in a day and time where our access to valuable data almost feels unlimited. We can track analytics on nearly everything, from the visitors to our websites to how many steps we take each day. Large companies have people dedicated to looking at and interpreting the data so they can create data-driven growth […]