Uncomfortable Awareness

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Executive Coaching Provides Feedback Even though there’s snow on the ground in Milwaukee after literally 75 degree weather a few days earlier, it’s graduation season for many families across the state. Graduation is an interesting time because on the one hand there’s completion, but on the other hand you’re only beginning your journey. Without awareness, […]

Uncomfortable Representation

Knowledge is power

This is such a great time to be a Milwaukean on many levels. The Milwaukee Bucks are the 1 seed for the NBA playoffs with MVP candidate Giannis Antetokounmpo arguably the best player in the league. The Milwaukee Brewers, fresh off their NLCS appearance are 1st in the NL with reigning MVP, Christian Yellich. Milwaukee […]

Trust Your Gut. Is it Time For a Change?

Trust Your Gut

While trying to decide what I wanted to write about, I realized that tomorrow will be the one-year anniversary of my leaving a corporate job and going out on my own. What a perfect time for me to talk about trusting your gut and making bold changes. Gut feelings are the result of a lot […]

An Uncomfortable Message

Uncomfortable message

I know every week you look forward to hearing Darren’s personal stories about being uncomfortable and how they relate to leadership, but I hope you won’t mind me filling in for just one week. Even Darren needs a break from his regular tasks every now and then. Last week my church had Bob Goff in […]