6 Tips for Delegating as a Leader


One of the struggles that we see many new SPEARity members struggling with is overwhelm. This looks different depending on your situation and position. For those that are “solopreneurs”, it’s being overwhelmed from wearing all of those hats that come from running a business. For executives, it might be the overwhelm of leading a large […]

5 Time Wasters at Work

Time Wasters

Do you feel like your drowning in your to-do list? Or, at the end of the day do you feel like you’ve accomplished nothing even though you’ve been busy all day? As a business owner or manager, time management is crucial. Avoiding the 5 time wasters below can help. 1. Checking email Yes, your email […]

Leadership Lessons from My Brother


Unfortunately this past Friday, my family buried my brother Ed just one month shy of 59 years old. This may seem like an early death, but he wasn’t supposed to live past 21 years old so this was significant. There were many leadership lessons I learned from my brother, so I wanted to share them […]

Self-care Tips for Leaders

Self care

Remember the days of childhood when summer meant vacation? School was out, bedtimes were put on hold, and you had long days to do whatever you enjoyed. There was the ice cream truck, playing with friends, and pure enjoyment. Fast forward to the present day. Summer might not even resemble what it used to. You […]

Leadership Moods and Weather

Leadership Moods

Milwaukee is now one of the wettest of springs in the past over 100 years. What’s interesting is it seems that my mood is being impacted by the weather. Or at least I can blame it on that. It’s interesting from a leadership perspective that a leader’s mood can easily impact the moods of everyone […]

Consistency: The Key to Great Leadership

consistency 1

Tony Robbins has said, “It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” And at SPEARity, we couldn’t agree more. It’s crucial that you learn to be consistent for yourself and your organization. One of the definitions of consistency in the Merriam Webster dictionary is, “free […]

Receiving Feedback as a Leader

Years ago, when I was dating my future wife, I was a single dad. My daughter was in high school and I was trying to be healthy and had several Lean Cuisines in the freezer at home. One day I got home and found out my daughter had eaten three of them. I was upset. […]

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Executive Coaching

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Executive Coaching

Working with an executive coach can be a powerful way to improve your productivity and leadership skills. And, those are just a few of the ways that executive coaching can help you. However, simply hiring a coach isn’t enough to experience these benefits. If you really want to get the full benefit out of executive […]