Hiring Employees: It Can Be a Little Uncomfortable

Hiring Employees

Let’s face it, as a leader, you are constantly being forced into uncomfortable situations. It’s something that SPEARity CEO, Darren Fisher, has been talking about a lot this year on the blog. One of those situations that leaders are faced with from time to time is hiring employees. While it might be part of the […]

The Struggle to Build Momentum and Grow Your Business

MOSI scaled 1

Today I’m going to take you back to science class. But don’t worry, I promise it will tie back into your business, leadership development, and personal growth. Yesterday I took my three daughters to MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry). One of the exhibits that they had set up was about Sir Isacc Newton’s 1st […]

4 Tips to Avoid Burnout


Burnout can happen to anyone. You are striving to achieve your work goals and the people in your life need your attention as well. You have deadlines that you need to meet, family members that are craving your attention, and hobbies that you haven’t been able to do in ages.

How Freelancers Can Help You Grow Your Business

working with freelancers

Are you trying to do too much? Does it feel like growing your business is taking every last ounce of your energy and attention? Do you find yourself having your hands in every little part of your business? What if someone could help you out along the way? I’m not talking about hiring more employees […]

Failing at Goal Setting? See Why Breaking Down Goals is the Answer

Goal setting failure

We’ve all heard the hundreds of quotes on the importance of goal setting. Quotes like Bo Jackson’s, “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” or Bruce Lee saying, “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” And, they sound great, right? […]

5 Ways to Build Confidence Within Your Staff

build confidence in staff

Last week we talked about how to build leadership confidence. Learning how to be confident as a leader is important. But, it’s also important that you learn how to help build confidence within your staff as well. Your team and business succeed the most when everyone operates from a place of strength and confidence. But, […]

5 Ways to Build Leadership Confidence

leadership confidence

We have a confidence problem in the world today. Maybe it’s always been there. Either way doesn’t really matter. But, what does matter is that we learn how to overcome it and build leadership confidence. Our success is counting on it. The success of our companies is counting on it. And, if that doesn’t feel […]

Drowning in Your To-Do List? 3 Tips to Help

to do list

It’s Monday morning. Almost half-way through both August and the third quarter. If you’re a parent, school is either starting soon or has already started for your kids. And, if you’re like most people, you feel like your already long to-do list is just growing longer and longer. You’re more than just a little overwhelmed […]