The Importance of Continued Learning for Business Success


Remember back to the days when you were in school and you thought, “I can’t wait until I can be done learning all this new stuff and just be able to do my job.” It seemed right at the time. But it’s not. It’s not long before we learn that if we want to be […]

5 Things to Help You Rise to the Next Level in 2020

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Can you believe we’re already at the end of January? I don’t know about you but this month has flown by for me. And, it hasn’t gone quite as I planned. Life happened. Can anyone relate? The planning of December 31st seems like so long ago. My house has been hit with repeated rounds of […]

3 Habits that Are Holding You Back: How Business Coaching Can Help


We are almost halfway through January already. Can you believe it? If you have big plans for 2020 and are already getting the feeling that you’re continuing on the same path you were in last year, it’s time to consider how business coaching can help. A business coach can help you identify and change the […]

New Year’s Resolutions vs Setting Goals: Are They the Same Thing?

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  Welcome to 2024! Last week people all over sat down and thought about what they wanted the new year to look like—on both a personal and professional level. Plenty of resolutions were set and goals were made. Making resolutions vs setting goals   I think the term “New Year’s Resolutions” holds a lot of […]

An Uncomfortable Ending

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With the end of the year quickly approaching, I find myself reflecting on the events of 2019. In the blog, we have spent a lot of time talking about being uncomfortable. We’ve shared stories of uncomfortable errors that we’ve made and uncomfortable business growth that we’ve experienced. And, as I review the year, I have […]

5 Tips for Work – Life Balance During the Holidays

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🎶 It’s the most wonderful time of the year. There’ll be budgets to make, cookies to bake and presents to top with a bow. There’ll be tight deadlines and calendars booked with events scheduled long long ago. It’s the most wonderful time of the year.🎶 I’m guessing that I’m not the only one that feels […]

Get to Know SPEARity Coach – Michael Rampolla

Over the past couple of weeks you’ve been introduced to SPEARity CEO, Darren Fisher, and one of our coaches, Sandy Rice. Today we are going to give you an inside peak at who Michael Rampolla is. He’s SPEARity’s Chief Talent Officer and a Certified Trainer. “Michael is such an invaluable asset to SPEARity and especially […]

Get to Know Darren Fisher, SPEARity CEO

What makes a business great are the people behind the brand. And, at SPEARity, we have some great people! We thought it would be fun to give you a little more insight into who our SPEARity coaches are. So, we are starting out with our CEO, Darren Fisher. Here is the Q&A we did that […]