Being Intentional with Your Goal for 2021

Be Intentional

I think this is an interesting time of year. We all love to connect the new year with a fresh start and a chance to do better. We want to leave our old bad habits in the past and turn a new leaf. That sounds great, right? So we get out our lists and set […]

Reflect on 2020: Focusing on the Good


What a year it has been! As we enter the last few weeks of the year, it has me reflecting on 2020. There were a lot of obstacles this year that we faced as individuals and businesses. And to be honest, there still are a lot of obstacles that we’ll continue to face in 2021 […]

How to Get Employee Buy-In For Your 2021 Goals

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It’s that time of year again when our minds are starting to turn to the changing of the calendar year. A new year brings new goals and the feelings of a “reset” for many of us. As you prepare for Q1 to begin, it’s important to think about what you’re doing to get buy-in from […]

An Important Leadership Lesson on Gratitude

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Some years it’s super easy to think of things to be thankful for when Thanksgiving comes around. 2020 probably doesn’t feel like one of those years. Yes, there are some businesses and people that are prospering this year. That’s awesome! But there are also many people and businesses who are struggling. And to be honest, […]

Self Care Tips for Business Leaders and Teams

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I know “self care” has gotten a lot of attention in 2020, and with good reason. But the truth is even though most of us know that it’s important, we aren’t actually following through in doing it. Studies are finding that people are once again reaching the point of burn out and fatigue. We’re mentally […]

The One Piece of Advice You Wouldn’t Expect to Hear From a Business Coach

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There are a lot of stereotypes that exist in our world. The same is true when it comes to business coaching, business consulting and leadership development training. We expect coaches to act a certain way and say certain things. We all have these preconceived notions about what a business coach is going to do and […]

The Key to Business Success and Leadership Development

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Ok, we all know there’s really more than one thing that you need for leadership development or to be successful in business. But today I want to highlight one word that can help make all the difference—EFFORT. What is effort? Let me be clear, I’m talking about real effort. Not the kind of effort that […]

A Lesson in Confidence & Leadership from a Pot of Chili


I just love having chili and cornbread on a crisp fall day. There’s just something that I find comforting about it. It reminds me of growing up when I could smell the chili cooking in the kitchen on a Sunday afternoon while sitting with my dad and watching the Detroit Lions lose another game. It’s […]