The Role of HR in Leadership Development

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HR leaders are busy individuals! They are tasked with a wide variety of goals and jobs. And one of those important jobs is finding and developing great leaders. It’s not just about hiring managers to fill vacant roles, it’s about finding the right talent to hire that can develop into strong leaders in the future […]

Dangers of Making Excuses as a Leader


There are a lot of different excuses that leaders make when things go wrong or they don’t perform up to the standard that’s expected. You may feel that you’re not making an excuse but simply stating what happened. But, in the end, it truly doesn’t matter. It’s still an excuse and it does nothing to […]

5 Change Management Tips for Leaders

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Change management has gotten a lot of attention in the past year. March 2020 hit, every organization was thrown into needing to make immediate changes whether they liked it or not. Most organizations didn’t have a “What to do if a pandemic hits” section in their emergency plans. Everyone was left to make quick adjustments […]

How to Build Company Culture While Working Virtually

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We are living through a weird time. The majority of businesses are operating differently than they have in the past. Many still have employees working from home with no end in sight, And while many people thought they wanted to work from home, now that it’s been a reality for almost a year, the real […]

6 Tips for Setting Your Team Up for Success


Every leader wants to have a successful team. And when you feel like your team isn’t successful, it can be a little too easy to think that it’s because of the people on your team. But success starts at the top. If you want your team to be successful, you have to learn how to […]

2021 Goal Setting: How to Keep it Going

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Well that certainly was an eventful January of what so many people hoped was going to be a calmer year. It was a long month but February is about to be here and we’re going to keep on looking forward. With the new month starting, I’m reminded of what happens to so many people in […]

To Reach New Levels of Success, You Have to Do New Things

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If we’re all honest, we’d have to admit that it’s easy to grow complacent as a leader. When things are going well and the minimum requirements are being met, it’s easy to fall into the same old routine day in and day out. When there are no fires to put out or pressing demands that […]

6 Tips for Employee Retention

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Are you struggling with a revolving door in your organization? As soon as you get one position filled, another one opens up. And no matter how many “great” hires you make, you just keep losing people. If so, it might be time to address your employee retention strategy. It’s much easier to believe that the […]

Start Building Confidence Today with One Simple Habit

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Growing your confidence is actually incredibly simple. However, most people don’t believe it. So, they go out searching for the complicated process they feel they need in order to become their best self. Or, they don’t realize that there is a simple way to build confidence at all. So instead, they throw money at trying […]